Frequently Asked Questions

Get Answers to all your freelancing & work related Queries

About Workafy

Workafy is a vibrant marketplace connecting businesses with top Indian freelance talent. We streamline the process of finding and hiring freelancers for your unique project needs.

Our freelancers undergo a stringent vetting process that assesses their skills, experience, and professionalism. This ensures that you have access to quality talent committed to delivering excellent work.

Absolutely! Whether you need a one-time task or an ongoing partnership, Workafy freelancers are adaptable to both short-term projects and long-term collaborations.

Workafy is dedicated to showcasing the best of Indian freelance talent to a global audience. We emphasize speed, reliability, and a rigorous vetting process to ensure you find the freelancer who not only meets your requirements but exceeds your expectations.

About Hiring

Simply post your project, receive bids from freelancers, review their profiles and past work, and then select the freelancer who best fits your project requirements.

Yes, you can negotiate pricing directly with freelancers. Workafy encourages clear communication between clients and freelancers to agree on fair compensation.

No, Workafy does not charge clients any subscription fees. You only pay for the work you commission from our freelancers.

We recommend first communicating any concerns with the freelancer. If the issue persists, our support team is on hand to help mediate and find a satisfactory resolution.

Payments are held in escrow and only released to freelancers when you are satisfied with the work. Your financial information is encrypted and kept secure.

No, posting a project is completely free. You only pay for the work once you hire a freelancer and they begin your project.

Workafy can handle that! Post your project and specify that you need multiple talents. Our platform will allow you to manage and collaborate with a team of freelancers just as easily as with an individual.

About Freelancing

If you have a skill and a passion for freelancing, you can sign up on Workafy, complete your profile, pass our vetting process, and start bidding on projects that match your expertise.

Workafy hosts a wide range of projects across different domains such as writing, design, technology, marketing, consulting, and many more.

We provide a suite of tools to manage projects, communicate with clients, and ensure you get paid for your work. Our community resources and support team are also there to help you grow and succeed.

Freelancers pay a service fee on projects as a percentage of the earnings, which is used to maintain the platform and provide ongoing support services.

It depends on the number of projects you take and the scope of the projects you are working on.

Only after the completion of the project Workafy releases the payment to the freelancer.

It all starts with creating a great profile and a compelling proposal. Your profile must be complete with all your skills and portfolio attached. This will greatly increase your likelihood of getting the work.