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Think, Act, Learn, Build and Repeat

Think, Act, Learn, Build and Repeat

This topic brings me to analyse entrepreneurial behaviour. As someone who studies and lives entrepreneurship, this topic had me thinking for a long time. But as the research went, I could point out some similarities between entrepreneurs in every field, regardless of the domain, situation or circumstance.

I narrowed my findings down to some conclusions. Most of these conclusions cited that in the face of the unknown, entrepreneurs first find what they need, second, they make an action plan to turn it into reality. Third, they take a small step as laid out by their plan. Fourth, they think about what they learnt in taking that step and fifth, mould this learning into their next step.

In other words, each and every entrepreneur, irrespective of their field of work; think, act, learn, build and then repeat. Entrepreneurs nurture their ideas, and build them into reality, keeping the greater good in mind.

Entrepreneurs nowadays unlock potential by empowering remote talent. They move away from traditional, linear thinking and keep on experimenting and trying new things, till they find their authentic voice and are able to pass on this voice to people who need it the most.

If you are an entrepreneur, you can find and empower remote talent through Workafy’s large pool of freelancers. Try new things such as freelancing and outsourcing your work, leaving no room for imperfection. Pass your voice to people who need it, with Workafy.

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